Let get down to some real fun.
This one is a wired robot & can be made wireless using rf433mhz, Xbee or other communication modules. which will feature in future tutorials.
Below I have provided the source code & circuit for making an accelerometer based robot project.
i.e, you can make your own bot & steer it /control it using an accelerometer attached to the back of your hand.
For the same , i have used an MMA7361 (3axis accelerometer IC) module (cheap n easily available) attached to the analog pins of my arduino/avr. & 2 DC motors 150rpm which are attached to motor driver H-bridge IC L293D. which receives input to drive the motors via the PWM pins of my arduino.
i.e, you can make your own bot & steer it /control it using an accelerometer attached to the back of your hand.
For the same , i have used an MMA7361 (3axis accelerometer IC) module (cheap n easily available) attached to the analog pins of my arduino/avr. & 2 DC motors 150rpm which are attached to motor driver H-bridge IC L293D. which receives input to drive the motors via the PWM pins of my arduino.
You can either use a readymade motor driver shield or you can make your own L293D circuit on pcb & use it.
The controller needs 5v & can be powered by a 9v battery (preferably rechargeable)
but the motor driver circuit needs a supply of 12v dc 1amp. make sure you have an adapter or a Li-ion bat. for that too.
So, by now , i am sure you've had enough experiments with arduino & avr & you very well understand the code below & the circuit diagram.
Source Code:
int xaxis;
int yaxis;
int sensorx = A0; // accelerometer x axis data pin
int sensory = A1; // accelerometer y axis data pin
int motor1p = 11; //connect motordriverboard's 1st motor +ve pin to digital pin 11
int motor1n = 10; //connect motordriverboard's 1st motor -ve pin to digital pin 12
int motor2p = 5; //connect motordriverboard's 2nd motor +ve pin to digital pin 5
int motor2n = 6; //connect motordriverboard's 2nd motor -ve pin to digital pin 6
void setup()
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
Serial.begin(9600);//used to communicate arduino with computer
pinMode(motor1n,OUTPUT); // set motor pins as output pins
pinMode(sensorx,INPUT); // set accelerometer pins as input pins
void loop()
int xaxis = analogRead(sensorx); //analogRead(A0) can also be used to read the accelerometer x axis data
int yaxis = analogRead(sensory); //Go to Tools and click on Serial Monitor & print out the value you read:
Serial.print("x axis:");
Serial.println(xaxis); //see the output of sensor on computer using serial monitor
if(yaxis<425 && yaxis>275 && xaxis<=425 && xaxis>=275 )
else if (yaxis>=425 && xaxis<=425 && xaxis>=275)
digitalWrite(motor1n,LOW); // give reference pin 0V
analogWrite(motor1p,100); // give motor speed(voltage) ranging from 0-255
analogWrite(motor2p,100); //voltage is given as (50/255)*5 V
else if (yaxis<=275 && xaxis<=425 && xaxis>=275)
analogWrite(motor1n,100); //give speed as 50 in reverse direction
analogWrite(motor2n,100); //voltage is still given as (50/255)*5 V
else if (xaxis<=275 && yaxis<=425 && yaxis>=275)
else if (xaxis>=425 && yaxis<=425 && yaxis>=275)
Copy the above source code & burn it onto your arduino board , & make connections according to the circuit diagram. Power it n run
Thats all.
Have Fun.
Will be posting the same project for AVR & PIC too... keep reading.
If you have any doubts or suggestions regarding any part of the project , feel free to ask in the comments.
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